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Monthly Archives: January 2015

The “Steps” of a Step-Parent Adoption: What to Expect.

Here is a general procedural overview of a typical step-parent adoption case in Missouri. The example will assume that a step-father is adopting his wife’s biological child. The biological mother and adoptive step-father will be referred to as the “Clients”. 1. Clients meet with attorney to discuss goals, procedure, fees, and gather information. 2. The […]

Adoption Tax Credit – Don’t Forget!

Finalize an adoption in 2014? Be sure to claim the adoption tax credit. Adoptive parents can claim up to $13,190 in tax credit per child. If the child is deemed to “have special needs” (having been in foster care may qualify*), no actual adoption expense need be shown to claim the full $13,190 credit. Otherwise […]