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Post By: admin

Adopted persons born in Missouri can now easily obtain their original birth certificate.

Beginning in January of 2018, the Missouri Adoptee Rights Act allows adopted persons over the age of 18 to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.  A simple application is all that is required.  The original birth certificate will contain the name of the adoptee’s […]

The “Steps” of a Step-Parent Adoption: What to Expect.

Here is a general procedural overview of a typical step-parent adoption case in Missouri. The example will assume that a step-father is adopting his wife’s biological child. The biological mother and adoptive step-father will be referred to as the “Clients”. 1. Clients meet with attorney to discuss goals, procedure, fees, and gather information. 2. The […]

Adoption Tax Credit – Don’t Forget!

Finalize an adoption in 2014? Be sure to claim the adoption tax credit. Adoptive parents can claim up to $13,190 in tax credit per child. If the child is deemed to “have special needs” (having been in foster care may qualify*), no actual adoption expense need be shown to claim the full $13,190 credit. Otherwise […]